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​​​​​ESC-Tagebuch aus Liverpool: Österreich trumpft gleich zweimal auf #EdgarAllanPoe #Pele #RonaldJaneček #ElenJeremjan #MarcoMengoni #TrongHieu #DanielNephilEstrin Das zweite Halbfinale war noch schwächer als das erste․ Doch zeigte der Eurovision Song Contest einmal mehr, wofür er ganz besonders steht: für ein weltoffenes und liberales Europa․
Eva Herman Offiziell

Eva Herman Offiziell

Merkste was? ... 🤓 ‼️Sommerurlaub: Flüge und Kreuzfahrten teurer – Bahn lockt mit Sonderkonditionen "Den Zeitungen der „Funke Mediengruppe“ zufolge seien vor allem Flüge nach Bangkok (plus 52,6 Prozent), Rom (44,2 Prozent) und Barcelona (38,7 Prozent) deutlich teurer als 2022. (...) In dieser Situation versuchen Bahngesellschaften, sich als günstigere Alternative für die Anreise in Szene zu setzen. In manchen Fällen gelingt dies zumindest beim Fahrpreis. Beispielsweise bei einer vierköpfigen Familie aus der Mitte Deutschlands, die es an die italienische Adria zieht. Bereits ab 391,50 Euro kann diese von Frankfurt am Main nach Latisana gelangen. Wer das Flugzeug nach Venedig nimmt, muss demgegenüber mindestens 604 Euro einplanen." https://www.epochtimes.de/wirtschaft/sommerurlaub-fluege-und-kreuzfahrten-teurer-bahn-lockt-mit-sonderkonditionen-a4281792.html
​​​​​Energiepauschale: Jetzt sind die Studierenden dran #Studenten #Energiepauschale #Energieprämie #Deutschland Arbeitnehmer, Rentner und Hartz-IV-Empfänger: Fast alle haben ihre Energieprämie schon erhalten․ Für die Studenten war es aber besonders kompliziert․
WIRES>]: BEN F. There is also a revolt taking place inside the corporate propaganda media. The firing of Tucker Carlson by Rupert Murdoch is a case in point. In the past, firing people from corporate media and putting them on a blacklist meant poverty and the end of careers for most corporate media slaves. Carlson alluded to this with these comments made after he was fired: “If you told me…the Department of Justice would’ve indicted [decent Americans] them for criticizing the…the Biden administration… and charged them with felonies for which they’re each facing 10 years in prison, if you told me that could happen here, I would’ve laughed at you. And you…you see people you know become quislings… saying things they don’t believe because they want to keep their jobs.” Fear of job loss is why corporate media whores have all been going along with the obvious lies. Now, however, thanks to the NSA and the internet, genuine journalists can earn money and get the truth out without the corporate media. This is what happened with Carlson who suddenly got a way bigger audience than he ever had with Murdoch. That is why Fox was forced to say Tucker Carlson is still working for them. It is obvious they are trying to get him to accept a huge bribe to sign a “non-disclosure agreement. As things stand over 85% of the world’s people and nations have now revolted against the Rockefeller “rules-based world order.” As we have mentioned in previous reports, even Europe has also already de facto revolted. Now it looks like the last true Rockefeller slave states are Korea, Japan and Taiwan. This is about to change. Last week a representative of the White Dragon Society met a representative of North Korea and the Japanese underground to discuss the future of the region. The North Koreans explained the Japanese military was about to stage a full-scale revolt against the slave regime of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. Japan should learn the lessons of the past, from its “unreasonable and cruel economic suppression” by the US in the late 1980s, Chinese ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao told the Japanese press last week, He was preaching to the choir. There is a consensus among the Japanese military and intellectual leadership that the vaccine-pushing Kishida and his entire government will be removed. The North Koreans also said they now had over 100 nuclear weapons ranging from “small to very large.” They said they were going to put their population into underground shelters or disperse them into the countryside. They would then target New York, Silicon Valley and Geneva with these weapons in order to force the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. The WDS said they would prevail because the US military would not be willing to trade New York and Greater Los Angeles for Pyongyang. This is especially true because the US cannot put its people into underground shelters. However, the WDS asked the North Koreans to wait for a few months until the collapse of the US Corporation because then the situation could be resolved peacefully. This would include regime change in Japan and the peaceful reunification of Taiwan with China. This tension in East Asia was seen in public with comments by the fake masked Biden about North Korea. De facto North Korean leader Kim Yo-jong dismissed this North Korean “end of the regime” comment by the fake Biden as “a nonsensical remark from the person in his dotage who is not at all capable of taking the responsibility for security and the future of the US, an old man with no future, as it is too much for him to serve out the two-year remainder of his office term,” In addition to financial collapse, a legal dragnet is closing on “Biden” and the entire Khazarian Mafia leadership.
In Missouri veranstalteten Bewohner ihr eigenes Lagerfeuer zur „Bücherverbrennung“. Das Verbrennen "perverser" Bücher soll dort zur neuen Normalität werden.‌‌ Wahrheit macht frei und Freiheit macht wahr 👉 https://t.me/FrMaWa Denk selbst und informiere Dich 🧩
Markus Haintz 🇩🇪

Markus Haintz 🇩🇪

https://kurier.at/politik/ausland/bulgarien-entsorgt-grossmengen-abgelaufener-corona-impfdosen/402351846#wrapperapp Kommentar von RA Beneder: Europaweite Steuergeldverschwendung! Bin gespannt wieviele Millionen Gentechnikimpfdosen Österreich 🇦🇹 und Deutschland 🇩🇪 entsorgt oder verschenkt! Ein Fall für den Rechnungshof! 🧐
❌ COMPACT-Magazin

❌ COMPACT-Magazin

Hersh über Putin und Prigoschin 🔝🔥⚠️ ‼️ Nach Erkenntnissen von Investigativ-Legende Seymour Hersh ist Putin aus den jüngsten Turbulenzen eher gestärkt hervorgegangen. ‼️ Hersh beruft sich bei der Einschätzung der aktuellen Lage in Moskau auf Geheimdienstinformationen aus erster Hand. ‼️ Interessant ist auch seine Einordnung der US-Außenpolitik und der ukrainischen Gegenoffensive; zwei Flops! ▶️ Hier den ganzen Beitrag lesen: https://www.compact-online.de/problem-der-usa-hersh-ueber-putin-und-prigoschin/ COMPACT: Folgt uns für Nachrichtern, Videos und Informationen! 👉 t.me/CompactMagazin
🏛s´Reiwerle und lädt ein: ➡️Vortrag mit Rechtsanwalt Ralf Ludwig Thema: Juristische Verfolgung der "Corona-Täter" ⏰ Samstag, 23.9.2023 🚪 Einlass ab 17 Uhr Alle sind willkommen!!!!! DER EINTRITT IST FREI 👇👇👇 Um Reservierung wird gebeten. s´Reiwerle in Annweiler (Pfalz) ist seit 2020 Begegnungsstätte für die Friedens- und Freiheitsbewegung Kommt uns besuchen und lernt uns kennen. http://reiwerle.de/shop 🍽 "Lasst es Euch schmecken, im Reiwerle!" Danke Toby, Meli und Team Restaurant s'Reiwerle Flitschberg 7 76588 Annweiler Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0 6346 929 362 https://t.me/TobyInfomiert

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